

Service Times

Weekly Worship Service

Sundays at 10:00 am – In-person Worship Service or at home online from 9:55 AM on YouTube.

YouTube Channel Live Stream;  https://www.youtube.com/@EdenUnitedChurchMississauga/streams

Sunday School Times

Our Sunday School program is called Godly Play. The Godly Play approach helps children to explore their faith through story, gain religious language and to enhance their spiritual experience through wonder and play. Based on Montessori principles and developed using a spiral curriculum, the Godly Play method serves children through early, middle and late childhood and beyond. 

Next Communion Service

Sunday, April 20, 2025- Easter Sunday

Music Ministry

Job Vacancy - Organist/Accompanist 

Organist/Accompanist – Eden United Church, Mississauga

Eden United Church in Mississauga, Ontario, is an inclusive faith community with a vibrant music program, including the Eden Adult Choir and Eden Bells aPeel handbell choir, under the direction of our Music Director, as well as Edenfolk, a contemporary music group.

We are seeking an Organist/Accompanist to collaborate with the Music Director in providing musical leadership for our worship services. This role includes accompanying rehearsals and services, as well as preparing appropriate musical selections for prelude, offertory, and postlude. The position requires a commitment of approximately six hours per week, beginning July 1, 2025.

Qualifications & Requirements:

  • Proficiency in piano and organ at a Bachelor of Music level or equivalent (Royal Conservatory certification also considered).
  • Ability to perform a broad range of musical genres, including traditional and contemporary sacred music.
  • Strong collaboration skills to work closely with the Music Director, choir members, and other musicians.

Application Process:

We invite candidates to learn more about our congregation by visiting our website: www.edenunitedchurch.com, and our YouTube Channel  Eden United Church, Mississauga to view past services.

To apply, please submit the following:
✔ A
cover letter outlining your interest and relevant experience.
✔ A
resume detailing your qualifications.
Contact details for three references.

Send applications via email to applications@edenunitedchurch.com by April 21, 2025.

Shortlisted candidates will be invited for an interview and audition.

We look forward to welcoming a passionate musician to our team!

Music is an integral part of worship at Eden United Church. Our music program is built on a foundation of a music director, organist, and leaders of each music group, which includes our 25-voice Eden Choir, our Eden Bells aPeel, which is a handbell choir, and our folk group, Edenfolk. Working as a committee with our minister, our leaders select and present a wide variety of music that enhances both regular worship and special occasions at Eden with the goal of making our services inspirational, dynamic, and meaningful.

The Eden Choir rehearses every Thursday night from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m., September to June.  The choir leads the Sunday services most weeks throughout the year, and occasionally sings for other community events.  In addition, the choir hosts the annual "Eden Church Choir Festival", bringing choirs from around Mississauga and the GTA to join together for an evening of choral music.

Eden Bells aPeel have been part of the church for almost 30 years, and they rehearse every Wednesday evening from 7:15 to 9:00 p.m., September to May.  In addition to playing each month during the service, they also participate in various festivals, workshops and community events.

Edenfolk are a group of singers and instrumentalists, including guitars, drums, and saxophone, who meet on Thursday evenings at 7:00 p.m., and once a month, they lead the music ministry by providing contemporary Christian music for the service. They also perform on other occasions throughout the year in the community.

All three music groups come together several times during the year to share the music leadership:  in September for Welcome Sunday; before Christmas, to present a Lessons and Carols service; and on Easter Sunday.

During the summer months, our organist, soloists from all music groups, and other talented members from the congregation provide the music during the services in July and August.

If you are interested in receiving more information or in perhaps joining one of these groups, please e-mail the office at office@edenunitedchurch.com.

All are welcome.


Communion is a symbolic meal that is open to everyone. It's a reminder of Jesus' last supper with his followers and continues as a sign of God's enduring love. Communion is served during our worship service.

Communion Dates

Sunday, April 20, 2025- Easter Sunday

Sunday, May 4, 2025

Sunday, June 1, 2025

August - to be confirmed

Sunday, October 5, 2025 - World Communion Day

Sunday, November 23, 2025 - Reign of Christ

Wednesday December 24, 2025 - Christmas Eve


Sunday, February 1, 2026


"People were bringing little children to Jesus in order that he might bless them; and the disciples spoke sternly to them. But when Jesus saw this, he was indignant and said to them, “Let the little children come to me; do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of God belongs. Truly I tell you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will not enter it.”

And Jesus took them up in his arms, laid his hands on them, and blessed them. Mark 10: 13-16 The arrival of a child into a family’s life is an occasion of much joy, gratitude, and responsibility. Providing the care, and securing the well-being of the child, are uppermost in parents’ minds. Parents want to give all the love and guidance they can to ensure that the child grows in a caring, safe, and healthy environment. For families who have had a close relationship with a church, and have themselves been nurtured in the Christian faith, there is a natural desire to have their child officially welcomed into the church family through the Sacrament of Baptism.

Baptism is a ceremony of initiation and welcome into the ‘family of faith’, that is, into the church or faith community. It marks the beginning of a lifelong journey of growth in Christian faith and service. Parents commit themselves to raise the child in the Christian faith; the congregation commits itself to help make that happen. Church School, youth groups, confirmation classes, Sunday worship, personal example, and mentoring all contribute to a young person’s growing faith. This can be a demanding, but highly rewarding task, both for the family and for the faith community.

Download our Baptism Guide


“Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.” Matthew 5: 4

At a time of loss, we gather together to grieve and to seek support from one another and from God. We gather to remember and to celebrate the lives of those we have lost. As a faith community, we seek to comfort those who are mourning and to encourage them through the words of our faith.

At Eden United, we seek to support all who come to us at a time of loss. Our minister is available to listen and encourage. Our minister is available to help families construct a service that honours the life of their loved one. Our sanctuary is available to host such services and we see our calling to be a community where people can gather to hear words of comfort and to honour the lives of loved ones.

Funerals / Celebration of Life

Funeral services are held to celebrate the lives of loved ones who have died.  Services and receptions may be held in the church.  Contact the Office Administrator for information about services and support in times of need. 


“For now there are faith, hope and love. But of these three, the greatest is Love.” 1 Corinthians 13: 13


The Council and congregation of Eden United Church celebrate your love and are honoured to have your wedding conducted by our minister within our sanctuary. We are delighted that you have chosen to exchange your vows before God within a service of worship, a service we call a wedding.


A wedding is a holy moment in the lives of couples, a moment in which faith is professed, love is declared and commitments are made. It is also an act of worship. Here at Eden we strive to make this service of worship holy and special for each couple including anyone of any gender, gender identity, gender expression or sexual orientation.


We strongly encourage all couples being married at Eden to take a pre-marital course from some authorized and experienced organization or professional. If you have an Employee Assistance Program through your place of employment, they may be able to assist you.


For information about our fees, booking and other services that we can provide, including recording or streaming and off-site wedding ceremonies, please contact our church administrator.


Please note that in consideration of the environment we ask that confetti and rice not be used on our grounds.


Some things to keep in mind for your service. For legal reasons, please ensure you are sober for the ceremony. Please arrive a few minutes before your service time, so that it can begin on time.  Our staff are paid for a block of time to be on-site. Delays could mean that a staff member may not be available after a certain time or require that we charge you additional fees to cover extra time on site or overtime pay.


May God bless as you prepare and plan for your special day.

Please contact the office by telephone or click here to send an email.

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