Affirming Updates
Eden’s Affirming Team would like to update you regarding the affirming work and what to expect over the next few months.
Since beginning our affirming journey of listening, learning and discerning in April 2022, we have been considering what it would mean for Eden to be publicly recognized as an affirming faith community. We have heard stories from the LGBTQ community, learned about the historical and present day challenges the queer community faces in the religious world, and we have considered our own preconceptions, biases, and misunderstandings surrounding the relationship between this community and the church. We have also recognized that we have a lot more to learn and many stories to hear as we continue the work of maintaining Eden as a safe space and to publicly, intentionally and explicitly live as an affirming faith community for all diverse and marginalized communities.
Next steps:
• At our AGM Pt 1 on Sunday Feb 9 we will bring forward two documents for Congregational approval which have been approved by Council and by Affirm United: a revised Marriage Policy with slightly more inclusive language, and an Affirming Vision Statement.
• At our AGM Pt 2 on Sunday May 4 (assuming approval of these two documents) we will bring forward a motion to be voted on, for Eden to be officially recognized as an Affirming Faith Community.
We are also beginning to circulate the required Affirming Action Plan that the Affirming Team has created. This document does not need to be voted on as it will be a living document which will evolve over time to reflect the needs of Eden and the greater community.
Please review these three documents (revised Marriage Policy, Affirming Vision Statement, and Affirming Action Plan). Please approach any Affirming Team member with any questions or to discuss any aspect of these documents.
Have questions or comments for the Eden Affirming Team?
Contact us here:
in April 2022, Eden United Church entered a time of learning, listening, discernment, and reflection as we work to become a recognized “affirming ministry”.
What does that mean?
What is the difference between being a welcoming, inclusive or open ministry, and being an officially “affirming” ministry? From
Open Hearts: Resources for Affirming Ministries in the United Church of Canada:
"Affirming Ministries are congregations, presbyteries, Conferences, educational institutions, and other ministries within the United Church that publicly declare their commitment to inclusion and justice for people of all sexual orientations and gender identities. Although Affirming Ministries make an explicit statement about issues of sexuality and gender, their commitment to justice is far broader. They continually grow and change as they seek to live more fully into God’s way of welcome, love, and justice for all creation."
Eden and the Affirming Team have been continuing this affirming journey by engaging in activities such as the following:
To learn more about the Affirming Process, visit the
Affirm United website.
I Spy...a Rainbow
In the summer of 2024, Eden members were encouraged to watch for signs and symbols of allyship for the 2S/LGBTQIA+ community. Eden's allies responded with some wonderful photos from our local community, from across Ontario and across Canada, and even from overseas.
Thank you to everyone who contributed photos from your summer journeys.
See the photos in link below:
Pride Sunday Worship Service, June 11, 2023
Eden United Church celebrated the Pride season with a worship service, featuring a visit from the founders of Rainbow Camp (, Harry Stewart and Chris Southin.
The sanctuary was decorated with plenty of rainbows for the worship service which included beautiful music, an interesting and informative discussion about Rainbow Camp's important work with queer youth, and a time of reflection and remembrance during the prayers of the people.
The affirming team hosted refreshments afterwards, and our guests from Rainbow Camp stayed for a question and answer opportunity.
Pride Sunday Worship Service, June 9, 2024
Led by Affirming Team members, our Pride Service this year included a discussion of where we are on our Affirming journey, a key message presented by Affirming Team member Elizabeth and a beautiful anthem performed by our Eden choir.
The Affirming Team loves decorating the sanctuary with plenty of rainbows, and this year was no exception.
The Affirming Team hosted refreshments (including cake!) during our social time after the worship service.
You can view the Pride service below.
PIE Day 2023
A group of 16 to 20 people then stayed after the social time for a casual conversation and Q&A, during which our guest speakers shared their personal stories of how they got involved with Pflag and founded Pflag Peel Region. Click here to learn about Peel Pflag: Pflag Peel region .
So...What is "PIE" Day?
Borrowing from the mathematical PI (3:14, the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter, which is always constant regardless of how large the circle is), "PIE" day is celebrated on March 14 (3rd month, 14th day) every year. For affirming ministries, “PIE” is an acronym that outlines the goals for an affirming congregation:
Click here to learn more about PIE Day: Pie Day
Watch our YouTube video from Sunday, March 12, 2023, to see the PIE Day message. Click below link:
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