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Welcome to our Advent Home Devotion Page.

This year we will be exploring the resource, “From the Manger.”


Hunger is a universal human experience, drawing attention to our most basic needs for food and nourishment and our more complex needs—peace, liberation, and meaning in this life. So, it’s no wonder the story of Jesus—the one who came to feed the hungry—begins, ends, and centers around food.


From the Manger gathers around the birth story in Luke 2, embracing the playful symbolism of a newborn Jesus being laid down to sleep in a feeding trough in a town called “House of Bread.” Beginning Advent with the birth of Jesus may feel a bit unconventional. Still, we hope this liturgical dissonance will invite you to reflect on the life-sustaining hope, peace, joy, and love Jesus brings and notice how the baby born in a bread town continues to feed a hungry world today.


On this page you will find a link to a .pdf copy of the resource which you can download. You will also find some additional resources for family and home use.

Family Advent Calendar

Click HERE to download the Calendar

Christmas Shadow Box Theatre

Click HERE to download the nativity Shadow Box

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